Episode 45: Why Is It So Hard To Talk About Climate Change?

Guest: Molly Williamson

Climate change is one area where politics, economics, and science come together to create an all-encompassing challenge that must be met by leaders worldwide. Unfortunately, it is clear that the causes, effects, and policies needed to counter climate change are a point of contention, as everything regarding climate change has become politically divisive. How can global leaders come together to respond to the crisis of climate change? Listen in for a conversation with Molly Williamson, a retired Foreign Service Officer and current scholar with the Middle East Institute, who explored key factors surrounding foreign and domestic policy and questions about technology, innovation, and international norms.


Know thyself: Advice for climate tech founders

Building a climate tech company is not for the faint-of-heart. No part of the process is easy; the tech is difficult, customers can be decidedly old-school, and regulation is often complex, for instance. And too…

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The Ad Hoc Gist: Is Winter Coming for Climate Tech?

Without some meaningful financial exits soon, I’m worried we’re heading for a climate tech winter. The planet can’t afford that. I wrote a three-part series for Latitude Media with my friend Michael Sachse on the...

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We need to rethink climate investing

For climate tech to scale, the collaboration between climate tech founders and capital providers will need  to change. It will need to be a durable — and dare we say, sustainable? — relationship, and one…

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