Episode 1: The Threat of Isis

Guest : Dr. James J. Zogby
CCWA kicked off our 2014-15 season with a timely examination of the situation in the Middle East. Until recently, ISIS (the Islamic State) was an unknown entity.  Now ISIS is headline news and a greater threat to the world than Al-Qaida.  ISIS’ ambition is to establish an Islamic caliphate.  Can they be stopped?  What can the U.S. and our NATO allies do to stop these extremists?  Dr. James Zogby discussed conditions in the region and prospects for success in destroying ISIS.

Dr. James J. Zogby is the author of Arab Voices and the founder and president of the Arab American Institute (AAI), a Washington, D.C.-based organization which serves as the political and policy research arm of the Arab American community. He is also Managing Director of Zogby Research Services, which specializes in ground-breaking public opinion polling across the Arab world. Zogby is a lecturer and scholar in Middle Eastern affairs and a Visiting Professor of Social Research and Public Polling at New York University in Abu Dhabi. Since 1985, Dr. Zogby and AAI have led Arab American efforts to secure political empowerment in the U.S. Through voter registration, education and mobilization, AAI has moved Arab Americans into the political mainstream.


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