
The Gist is the monthly newsletter of The Ad Hoc Group that covers everything at the intersection of climate tech and policy. Subscribe at the link here to have The Gist mailed to your inbox each month.


The Ad Hoc Gist: 2024: Hope Floats or Reality Bites?

As we kick off 2024, I invited five experts to share their predictions for tech, funding, and policy.

Here’s mine: 2024 will be big for resilience. In an election year, when climate action will become even more politicized, resilience tech should avoid the political crosshairs. The reality of extreme weather and wildfires will prompt utilities (no CEO wants a repeat of Hawaii), big real estate, and other vulnerable sectors to invest in their self-interest.

Gist Cover 2023

The Ad Hoc Gist: A Few of Our Favorite Things in 2023

As 2023 comes to a close, we are yet again on track to mark the hottest year on record. But it wasn’t all bad news.

We invited some of my AHG colleagues to share their favorite climate tech achievements this year – things that may not have captured all the headlines but nonetheless demonstrate progress.


The Ad Hoc Gist: Employee #1

In honor of his four-year anniversary at Ad Hoc, we invited our first full-time team member, Ian Rinehart, to take over the Gist this month. He shares his reflections on how the climate tech market and AHG itself have changed since he joined the company, and what he’s most excited about looking ahead.

In other news, we shared the importance of resilience on the With Great Power podcast, which dropped this week, and how policymakers, utilities, advocates, and startups have to do more to ensure we’re prepared for the worst.


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People as Moat – Ad Hoc Expands into Search

In climate tech, we talk a lot about, well, technology. But talk with most CEOs and they’ll share that the hardest part of their job is figuring out how to hire and retain the right people. In my experience, a company’s ability to hire and effectively onboard the right people is what differentiates successful businesses from those that falter. Because, as a CEO, you can have a great vision, but if you don’t have the right people, you can’t execute it.

A Conversation with Vida and Devin

We invited two leaders, Devin Hampton, CEO of UtilityAPI, and Vida Asiegbu, principal at Energy Impact Partners, for a candid conversation on equity and representation in the energy transition.


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Know thyself: Advice for climate tech founders

Building a climate tech company is not for the faint-of-heart.

No part of the process is easy; the tech is difficult, customers can be decidedly old-school, and regulation is often complex, for instance. And too often, the innate challenge for founders is compounded by the weight of high valuations, enormous growth targets, and limited exit options.

We don’t have all the answers for navigating what is an increasingly complicated market, but we do have some advice.

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We need to rethink climate investing

For climate tech to scale, the collaboration between climate tech founders and capital providers will need  to change. It will need to be a durable — and dare we say, sustainable? — relationship, and one designed for deep partnership. 

To get a sense of what this might look like, it is worth looking backward: to the very first days of Silicon Valley venture capital and the case of Intel. The company was founded by Robert Noyce and Gordon Moore with an innovative capital model proposed by Arthur Rock. Intel was given a $2.5 million pre-money valuation in 1968 — the equivalent of $21 million today — and Rock invested $2.5 million.

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Is winter coming for climate tech?

We’re worried about climate tech.

We lived through cleantech 1.0 (b. 2007, d. 2011), and we see signs of similar mistakes unfolding this time around. And the problems are not restricted to a single group. Both founders and venture capitalists need to re-think their approach to the market.

On the one hand, founders need to deeply assess the business they’re building, and create a capital plan that fits their model — not every company is built to be a unicorn. On the other, VCs need to re-assess how they partner with startups, and consider paths that involve more ownership and increased operational expertise. For both sides, it’s time to focus on putting points on the board.

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Hear more from our leadership on My Climate Journey and Technopolis.
